No boredom! Picture stories About us Impressum [DE]
Do you know that?
You lie completely relaxed on a meadow and enjoy the warm rays of sunshine. You breathe the fresh, clear mountain air early in the day and look forward to the adventures that await you today. You stop in the cool forest and follow a cheeky squirrel with your eyes. You see something beautiful in nature and would like to take a picture of it, up close?! Then you are like us! We love to go on a discovery tour outside, to experience adventures and to be very close, preferably to be right in the middle and to discover with all our senses!
Especially during the holidays we like to go out with our parents to experience exciting adventures and, well, a bit „princess„ you can be, too, especially when you're offered royal views or dinner at the campfire tastes like princes!

I'm Merida and I'm really shaking things up! My favorite food is chocolate.

I'm Talida, I'm always in a good mood and I love to paint. I also really enjoy playing the piano. Because I like to eat, I have more than one favorite dish, for example pancakes, chilli con carne or spaghetti with cheese sauce.

I'm Nora and I love climbing daringly (both indoors and in trees), watching and photographing birds. My favorite food is Rolex (a street food specialty from Uganda with scrambled eggs, a kind of flatbread, white cabbage and tomatoes, the whole thing then rolled up: „rolled eggs„, which probably sounds like „Rolex„, (the expensive watch brand) and my guitar still fits in the trunk.

Together we are the brave adventure princesses who face every challenge, keep our noses to the wind and always look good doing it!